March 4th, 2024

I actually turned my base on in Factorio. It works, kinda. The problem is that I need like, ten times the number of logistics bots I actually have to support it as-is, as they immediately get distracted by a hundred different tasks (bot AI in Factorio is literally random). The good news is that this is actually fixable if I rewind to before turning the base on; I just need to move oil and concrete a lot closer, and not use logistics bots for the uranium mining sulfuric acid. Having a tighter network with less things for the bots to do should help a lot, as should like, actually putting down the assemblers for circuits ahead of time. I also think I'm gonna build out more of the base, put in red circuits and the sciences, before turning it on. I might need more iron too, and I don't have room to expand right now, but it should be fine.

Not much really happened at work. I managed to get out of like 2 hours of doing work by... doing work. I got more documents to review, and rather than get more tasks to do, I just spent like half of my shift actually reviewing everything that I've been given. So, technically it was slacking off, but in like. A productive way. Idk.